Walks & Events

Walks & Events

Mendip Society Events

Would all members please be sure to carry their membership cards as proof of current membership when attending society events and talks.  Event organisers have been asked to check eligibility in order to be fair to all.

Events and Talks

Tuesday 25th March 2025 - 2:00pm. Tanzania talk and slide show with Liz & Ian Dagger

Liz and Ian have recently returned from their latest trip to Tanzania and have a story to tell on how farmers in Nkoanrua, 

Near Arusha, East Tanzania look after their livestock without fields.  Plus a look at how they grow their food crops, while coping with the effects of climate change.. 

 They volunteered in East Tanzania for eight weeks, living in a small house with a Tanzanian gentleman, called Joshua. They volunteered around the village, including at two orphanages and secondary school. Liz and Ian have built a relationship with Dr Lightness at the village medical centre. They also visited the regional hospital at Tengeru.

Entrance £2.00 (Mendip Society members free.)

At: Cross Memorial Hall, Webbington Road, Cross, BS26 2EL What three words: ///floating.towel.recap

Thursday 27th March 2025 - 2:00pm. Chew Valley Lake Walk with Liz Dagger

A sociable walk (Easy) with plenty of chat and refreshments around part of the Chew Valley Lake starting from the car park at Woodford Lodge. We will walk around the lake, to the Bittern trail. There are a couple of viewing points along the way, so bring your binoculars! We will then return to the Salt & Malt Tea Rooms to warm ourselves.

Please note - Dogs are not allowed on this trail as it passes through bird nesting sites.

Parking is ticketed, but at the time of publication the machines are not working - do please check on arrival.

Meet at Woodford Lodge Car Park at 2:00pm

NGR: ST 565 607. What three words ref: ///lends.boater.puddings 

Contact Liz Dagger on: 07740 468 406  or email: cvhsdagger@gmail.com

Saturday 12th April 2025 - 10:30 am. The Mendip Society AGM. 
Ubley Parish Hall, The Street, Bristol. BS40 6PJ

All members are encouraged to come along and get involved, not only in the formal processes of reporting back on the past 12 months, approving the updated constitution and electing officers for the coming year, but also to hear our guest speaker, Lucy Stockton on the Farming in Protected Landscapes initiative. 

Tuesday 15th April 2025 - 10:30 am.  Hinton Blewitt to Litton Reservoir Circular Walk. 

Approx. four miles (Moderate).

Mainly footpaths (some maybe muddy), with some quiet lanes. One very steep ascent near the end 

Excellent views of the Chew and Yeo Valleys. Bring refreshments for a brief stop at Litton dam. 

For those who want a pint and a chat afterwards the Ring o' Bells welcomes walkers. 

Dogs under control welcome (Path does go through a farmyard) 

Meet at 10.30 outside the Ring o' Bells, Hinton Blewitt.

NGR: ST 594 569. What 3 Words ref: ///anchorman.hook.fails

Contact Ian Dagger on: 07835 236191  or email: laddie05@outlook.com

Saturday 26th April 2025 Somerset V Hitler.  At 7:30 pm (doors open at 7pm - ending at 9:30 approx.)
Shipham Village Hall. New Road, Shipham. BS25 1SG

A talk and slide show, based on local historian Donald Brown's research into secret decoy sites on Mendip and other local wartime activities.

Covering the lived experience of Charterhouses' population in the early days of the war. 

With a little background about the local school, the ARP, Home Guard and more.

Looking at the building of anti-landing obstacles all across Blackdown - a first showing of a recently acquired short film.

Featuring one of the most ambitious so-called Starfish sites in the country, and the bunkers, still standing today, which were built to control it - and to protect the operators from falling bombs! 

Also covered are the decoy fire effects set up nearby, and the top secret “Z-gun battery” used to complete the decoy’s illusion - and to fight back against the bombers. 

Open to all-comers.  Members free - others £2. 

Tuesday 13th May 2025 - 10:00 am - 1:00pm. (approx.) Mendip Champion Species with Nathan Orr.

Nathan is well-known for his work as MHNLs nature recovery ranger. He is also an engaging speaker and passionate advocate for nature and wildlife on Mendip. Come and share his enthusiasm at Mendip Lodge and a nearby quarry, talking about species and habitats, followed by lunch at the activity centre café (not included) or BYO. 

Please note, the walk to the quarry includes a steep slope which may be unsuitable for the less mobile.

NGR: ST 434 592. What three words ref:///junior.vent.lyricist

Address: Mendip Lodge Activity Centre, Greenhill Road, Sandford. BS25 5PQ


Walks are graded as follows:

  • Easy. Up to 4 miles (1½ - 2hrs), less than 50m of continuous ascent, mainly low gradients or flat. Terrain mainly undemanding, eg reasonable paths used, little loose rock, stones or large areas of mud or water.
  • Moderate. 4 – 6 miles (2- 3½ hrs), 50m-150m of continuous ascent, terrain undulating but either one significant hill or several smaller ones. Terrain may include small areas of rock, loose stones, mud, minor scrub.
  • Harder. More than 6 miles of the type of walking in the Moderate class, or continuous steep ascents of more than 150m (400ft) or a number of smaller steep hills or more than one of these features. Terrain as Moderate class or worse. 

For any queries please contact the Walk Coordinator (see Contact page).

Events by others

Avon Leigh Wildlife Talks

The following are not Mendip Society events but our members are invited to attend. All talks at 7pm for a 7:30 start, in the Abbots Leigh village hall (Church Road BS8 3QS). All welcome, no need to book.

• Weds 4th Dec - Rewilding the Belmont Estate by Gil Martin

• Tues 7th Jan - Bees & other pollinators by Prof Jane Memmott

• Weds 22nd Jan - Wonderful World of Frogs and Toads by Rob Harvey

• Weds 5th Feb - Tiny Worlds & Night on Earth by filmmaker Rob Wilcox

• Weds 19th March - Hedgerows, Vital Arteries of our Countryside by Sarah Pitt

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