
Planning News.

This section of our website aims to bring to your attention, anything relating to planning applications on Mendip.  Check back often to stay on top of what is being planned by the authorities, that might affect the environment we all care about.  Our aim here is not offer an opinion in either direction, just to highlight anything that might interest our members and followers so that as many voices as possible can get involved in the process.

Somerset Council’s Development Plan. ‘Call for Sites’  - Mike Rolfe, The Mendip Society's Planning Officer

Somerset Council (SC) inherited Local Plans from District Councils (DCs) when it officially replaced DCs on April 1, 2023. Currently, planning decisions are still being made on the basis of these Local Plans. Several of the Local Plans identified sites, particularly green field sites, which DCs identified as suitable for development. 

SC is replacing these Local Plans with its own Development Plan. It is presently drawing up this Development Plan. Part of this exercise is its ‘Call for Sites’ which will run for 6 weeks from 13 January 2025. The deadline for submissions is 24 February 2025.

During this time, landowners, developers, and site promoters can submit land they want to develop to SC. This process is crucial for gathering information to help create a Development Plan. The Plan will comply with national policy and guidance. Sites will include allocated space for new residential estates, commercial and industrial sites, gypsy and traveller pitches, and renewable energy installations (such as solar farms), protected green spaces and necessary amenities, such as new schools, doctors' surgeries, railway stations and village halls.

The 'Call for Sites' comes after the government published its new housing targets for every UK local authority, with SC being expected to provide an extra 1,200 homes a year. This number is in addition to its existing targets.

After submissions, SC will assess each site’s suitability, availability and achievability. A report will be published summarising these assessments and the process followed. These assessments will help it decide which sites might be considered in future consultations for its emerging Development Plan.

Submitting a site does not guarantee that it will be included in the final Development Plan or secure planning permission. Every site will be assessed for its "suitability, availability and achievability". Several rounds of public consultation may be expected to take place before the final Development Plan is ratified by April 2028.  

Against this background the Government aims to ensure that 1.5 million new homes will be constructed in England within 5 years to fulfil its election promises. It may be of concern, especially to those who seek to preserve the flora and fauna of our National Landscapes that the government wants planning policies to be slackened to make it much easier for planning permissions to be granted. For example, The Chancellor of the Exchequer, The Rt. Hon. Rachel Reeves, MP, does not want permissions to be delayed or refused due to bats or newts being present on any particular site.

Whilst new homes are required to fulfil the demands of the existing and future population, it is easy to see how, under the current Government’s Policy, our National Landscapes, such as The Mendip Hills, may become vulnerable to unwelcome development. 

And something similar from North Somerset...

North Somerset Local Plan: Additional Housing Sites Consultation

"North Somerset Council has launched a public consultation on additional housing sites to be considered for inclusion in the emerging local plan. 

Information about the consultation and how to respond is on our website:

In July 2024 the Council approved the Reg 19 version of the local plan for final consultation and submission. That plan proposed the delivery of 15,275 dwellings over the 15 year plan period 2025-2040. However, progress of the plan was paused when the government indicated its intention to revise national planning guidance with increased and mandatory housing targets and a relaxation of the restrictions related to development in the Green Belt. These changes were confirmed in December 2024.

The national changes meant that the North Somerset housing target has significantly increased to 23,895 dwellings over the plan period. This means that the shortfall in relation to the approved Reg 19 plan is a minimum of 8,620 dwellings. The Council will continue to prioritise the use of brownfield sites and review density assumptions, but the scale of the housing challenge means many more additional sites will be required, including land in the Green Belt. 

This consultation aims to identify where additional development is possible at sustainable locations across North Somerset, outside areas at risk of flooding or other significant constraints. This will need to take account of delivery and infrastructure issues, such as strategic transport improvements and the provision of other infrastructure.

The consultation is in relation to potential new housing sites and not other aspects of the plan, including other policies and allocations. There will be further opportunity for comment on the revised local plan later in 2025.

The consultation will take place between 7 February and 5pm 21 March 2025. We will be holding four drop in events during the consultation period at the following locations:

  • Wednesday 26th February - Jubilee Pavillion, Keedwell Hill, Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9DP: 3 – 6pm
  • Wednesday 5th March - Weston-super-Mare Library, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, W-s-M, BS23 1UJ: 3 – 6pm
  • Friday 7th March – Nailsea United Reform Church Hall, Stockway North Nailsea, BS48 1AQ: 3 – 6pm
  • Monday 10 March – Backwell WI Hall, Station Road, Backwell, BS48 3QW: 3 – 6pm"

Link to the NSC page
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